The Great Farmette Bake Off

One year when our family was deep into our obsession with The Great British Bake Off, but before my TV appearance, I thought it would be fun to film our own version at the Farmette. The D. Spencers were headed to our house for the weekend and I figured we needed an activity. Perhaps the biggest reason why I love this crew so much is that they are such great sports. If I mention that Vera wants to have a black tie 5th birthday party, they show up in top and tails. Thanksgiving murder mystery? Full costumes and accents. If I suggest that we film the kids as contestants of their very own baking show with us as hosts and judges, they’re like, “great, where’s my blazer?”

Amelia, Vera, Will, Faye and Margaret spent the weekend on a rigorous baking/filming schedule:

Day 1: Signature bake: Filled Savory Buns

Technical bake: Rice Crispy Treat “Ornaments”

Day 2: Showstopper: Gingerbread Houses

Lindsay and I were the hosts. Dave and I played the judges. John acted as producer and interviewed the kids between challenges. We edited the video and had a viewing party in Iowa over the holidays, which was well received. It was so much fun for the kids they have asked several times when we are doing season two.
