Grilled Whole Fish

This is another dish we started making after a trip to Mexico. One of the neighborhood restaurants we walked to for multiple dinners served a whole grilled fish. It was simply prepared yet really tasty. We figured we could emulate it at home, which we have.


  • 1 whole fish, such as red snapper or striped bass
  • Lemon or lime
  • Oil
  • Salt, pepper and other seasoning as desired.

To Serve:

  • Pico de Gallo
  • Corn tortillas
  • Hot Sauce

Note: Some fish counters will remove the gills and fins from the fish when you buy it, which I don’t think is necessary but can be nice. This is one dish where it is useful to use a Teflon grill mat. These minimize flare-ups while still giving the fish nice grill marks

Light grill for direct grilling and heat for 15 minutes at medium (with grill mat if using).

Season fish with salt and pepper and/or other seasoning. Squeeze lemon or lime juice to the outside and place sliced citrus inside the belly. Cover lightly with oil.

Grill fish over medium heat for 8-10 minutes per side or until the flesh begins to flake.

Serve immediately, with Pico de Gallo, warm corn tortillas, rice and hot sauce.