Mother Dear Whom We Love So Very Much

Our passion for cooking is entirely due to the tireless efforts of Mom. Not only is she a master in the kitchen and garden, but she is undaunted by any culinary challenge. Come to think of it, she’s undaunted by pretty much any challenge. She has the most can-do attitude of anyone I have ever met.

Our early memories of Mom’s culinary talents were formed when she ran a successful catering company out of our home for several years when we were kids. Although she stopped catering when she returned to teaching, her cooking continued. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance she made your wedding cake, as she’s done over the years for many friends and family. She catered all our graduation parties and weddings without breaking a sweat. For Dave’s wedding she baked the wedding cake and helped prepare the salmon entrée in multiple different ovens across the town of Eatonville. For my wedding, she not only prepared the food and the cake, but also grew flowers in the garden for bouquets and made my wedding dress. For Laura’s wedding, Mom purchased several major appliances, such as a stand mixer and a food processor so that she could make the cake and food to her specifications (“The need them anyway!”, she said).

We give her all sorts of guff, and not nearly enough credit for everything she has done for us and for the values she worked doggedly to instill in us (and still tries). She is a real inspiration.
