We’re Having What For Christmas Dinner?

I have always been a meat eater. I never went through a vegetarian or vegan phase. As a kid I remember watching my Grandpa Keith, a meat cutter, pop a little raw hamburger in his mouth while making patties and gobble up all the pieces of fat I’d surgically removed from my steak during dinner. It didn’t bother me, and I was never enticed to try those meaty fatty morsels.

Over the years my meat eating/culinary adventures have expanded to include head cheese, roadkill turkey, rabbits shot from a moving combine…I could go on. These experiences have broadened my perspective of what makes a family dinner.

It’s not just who is around the table, it’s how entertaining the organ story of the main course is. It never hurts to have plenty of sides and wine when the meal is destined to become a story shared with friends, neighbors and strangers
